January 06, 2008


This is my beautiful family. They are the most precious thing in my world.

Today, I feel is blog worthy. It's been a hard day. I feel like I have no right to say that, but it has been, regardless. I woke up from a terrible dream, the kind that makes you cry for real, to discover my phone was disconnected. Shannon is in Newfoundland and so I check my messages every morning to see if she called. So ok, no phone line. I'm on the computer trying to figure out why. No clue. I get an e-mail from Shannon saying that her cousin is in the hospital, unconscious, and not breathing. I completely fall apart, dream had me unnerved to begin with. So I walk to the Eastlink building, which apparently isn't the Eastlink building anymore. Then I walk home.

Shower. Walk to the Rock Garden and try to use Rob's phone. I think I freaked him out a little. Then I went downtown, hung out with Marion, ate some food, called my mother, called my answering machine. Got an official update from Shan. Then I went to see Shannon P. she made things better, She is amazing and has a talent for making any situation seem like it's manageable.

All things considered, my life is fucking amazing, and I know this.

Tomorrow school starts again, and I don't know if I'll get to class. I don't think it's the end of the world if I don't go. Mental health day.

There are a million things that I needed to do over the break, but they didn't get done and seem irrelevant now. Tomorrow is going to come and go whether I am ready for it or not, so I might as well just let it come.

I am so lucky. I am not letting go of them ever.


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