June 30, 2006

stand up sit down.

I am amazed at how tired I've been. I nearly fell asleep at Brenna's house last night,just sitting there listening to our mothers talk. It was weird. It's not like I did anything worth while last night.

I thought I had to be at work by 10 today, but I actually have an extra two hours of free time and don't have to be there until 12, so I am going to try to get everything sorted out with classes. Wouldn't it be great to have a free morning?

The only other remotely note-worthy thing happening lately is that they are filming this movie across the street from my house on Sunday. Check out the supposed cast. Who knows what'll happen, but I plan on doing nothing but lounge in my pajamas in the front yard on Sunday... oh man, dad would kill me.

I love Bjork, I know I'm getting on the Bjork bandwagon a little late, but seriously now, if you are not on the bjork bandwagon I suggest you get on.

June 29, 2006

1000.03 for the avid listener...

I think I have the sleeping sickness. My sleeping sickness involves me literally passing out while trying to do things like watch Pulp Fiction, organize classes and read 50's lesbain smut. Seriously, one minute I'll be enjoying Uma Thrumans twist and the next John Travolta is blowing the face off of someone. Seriously it's trippy.

The class organizing isn't going particularly good or particularly bad. The only classes I am excited about are the english ones. I have the luck of being intrigued by the classes that are offered for both semesters. Bah. I get nervous of things like that. Would I be insane to have four of my five classes one right after another on Tuesday's and Thursdays? I think that would leave me with a lot of free time... or terrible wednesdays. Either way, it could be good I suppose, or bad.

Meanwhile. Yeah, just mostly working and sleeping and frenching... of the liguistical kind. I kind of suck with the oral business lately, because I am too lazy to put ice on my lip and oh mental note, before you do something that requires your mouth to be cold, make sure that your teeth are not particularly sensitive to cold! Jeez... anyway, still P.A. lipped.

I'm still listening to Bjork, but I feel I must plug the radio show Night Cap on CKUA. You can listen to it online if you're up late. www.ckua.com. Luka, the host, might actually be my hero.

I have no internal routine and very little external routine and I think it's really messing me up.

I belive that is all.

June 27, 2006

je ne vais pas sans elle.

I am in a Kings of Convience mood. I don't know what that means, but the only things acceptable to listen to right now would be Kaki King or Kings of Convience, and it's only a coincidince that they both have the word King in them.

I am completely in love with the song Know How which features Feist as a guest vocalist. I am also in love with Kaki Kings song Ingots.

I am exhausted lately. I don't think I quite comprehended the fact that by taking french in the morning I would be limiting my sleepin time dramatically. All I want to do is sleep. I started this book, Beebo Brinkler by Ann Bannon, and it is fantastically gripping. It's one of those books that sucks you in. It's also of the lesbian fiction genre... and I was so happy to be reading it on the bus this morning.

I am tired of having Pamela Andersen lips. Or lip. I however ADORE my lip piercing. I need to make my lip it's normal size again though, cause it's rather uncomfortable right now.

This afternoon I followed Shannon around and I had so much fun. I finally saw the inside of her house... after being her friend for four years. It's very cool. Her room is very full of interesting stuff. I came home and fell asleep on the couch for the whole evening. I've just woke up and I'm pretty sure I had too much heat today as I feel pretty gross. So. I'm going to go put some ice on my face and watch Pulp Fiction.


[Music: Skeleton Key - Margot & the Nuclear So & So's]

June 26, 2006

do you want to become part of the freak folk movement?

I heard via the Paste Podcast from last week that there is a new type of folk music now. It's called "freak folk" and it is based on the idea that it's folk music, but with "a whole lot more going on." I think they meant vocally or musically, but occasionally I suppose it's truly freaky people making music as well.

For this monumental occasion I put together this play list of freaks and freak folk songs. Just in time for folk fest season to begin! [wouldn't it be super wicked if I could figure out the logistics of posting actual mp3?]

Devandra Banhart - Hey Mamma Wolf
My Lady Story - Antony & The Johnsons
Bjork - Joga
Cat Power - Hate
CocoRosie - Tahiti Rain Song
Kaki King - Ingots
Regina Spektor - Hotel Song
Shelby Sifers - You Geranium, You Potato

Who knows if I'm right about this freak folk business. What's your opinion? Who is your favorite freak folk artist?

I must say, I've had the song Hotel Yorba by the White Stripes stuck in my head for a good part of yesterday, and a good part of today. I still have not listened to it again. The last time I would have listened to it was probably three years ago... give or take. I'm not sure where it came from.

In other news. I offically have an irregular hole in my face. Middle of bottom lip. It is fabulous and I love it so much, and when I am feeling less productive and more procrastinator I will post a detailed account of yesterday's events. I feel the need to state that I am not rebelling against anything. Cross my heart and hope to die. It's just something I needed to do for myself. To prove to myself that I can deal with it, also, I think it looks pretty freakin sweet. There will definitely be photos as soon as I get my life in order... which I'm still holding high hopes of such an occurrence.

I finally fixed up the fabulous dress I bought way back in.. feburary. The straps broke on it and I adored this dress so I had to try to fix something onto it. I haved got to say, I adore it even more with the new straps. I may still do some stitching on the straps, but I am going to wear it tomorrow with or without! I can't wait!

I'm off to be productive. I have high hopes for the week ahead. Lots of important things need to be accomplished.

Speaking of things that are freaky though, check this out! It seems to go rather well with Bjork in the background.


[Music: Bjork - Joga - The Greatest Hits]

June 24, 2006

The hail piled up in the grass.

The other day it rained and the world flooded.

June 20, 2006

thus the triumphant return.

I am back with the hopes that this new blog layout, and the plethora of interesting links will keep me motivated to write in this blog. I think I might start attempting some cartoons, and possibly scanning of artwork. With the summer season nearly in full swing here there might also be some more photography work.

In keeping with my new life's goal, I am going to try to keep this blog as musically soggy as possible.

To start: The Return of the Weekly Mix

Regina Spektor - Hotel Song
Camera Obscura - Shine Like A New Pin
Tilly & The Wall - Lost Girls
Wolf Parade - I'll Believe in Anything
Architecture in Helsinki - The Owls Go

[music: The New Pornographers - The Bleeding Heart Show]

June 15, 2006

I am coming back soon.

"If I got rabies while trying to save the raccoons, would you give me one last kiss with saran wrap pressed up to your lips?"

Shelby Sifers