March 03, 2007

Je suis "homeworktastic."

It is merely 11am on a Saturday morning and I have already had breakfast and a cup of coffee, migrated from Herring Cove to Halifax, locked myself out of my room, talked to the lovely Christine, finished the CKDU article for the Gazette, typed up my french homework, talked to Nicole and brushed my teeth and sent of a couple of e-mails.

What is the world coming too?

I was supposed to attend a breakfast concert with Laura peek and The Just Barely's. I probably should have gone, but I just couldn't drag myself out again, and my guilt at ignoring my homework grew too pervasive.

This afternoon includes showers, visits to girlfriends, homework, homework, homework, and possibly some essence of kitten Sam.

My life is the best life ever.

Music: The Be Good Tanya's - Human Thing



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little busy body there! Though it is satisfying to have so much accomplished by 11 in the morning.
(You know that creepy guy we met around the time we met up at the Banff such-n-such Library? Pushy guy who followed us around the library, boasting about his wonderful award dealie? I MET HIM AGAIN TODAY!! ARG!)
Love the "homeworktastic" jumble. Very enthusiastic, which makes homework sound almost enjoyable.
I envy your mountain of plans/things to do.
Yay Karyn!

12:51 a.m.  

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