January 26, 2007

can i live up to it?

I miss summer.

I have not been blogging lately as I am feeling wholly unsatisfied in almost all endeavors I undertake. School is a failure, at least, it's failing in giving me any viable skills. My living situation leaves extreme amounts to be desired.

I rearranged my furniture the other day. That was a bit of a traumatic event. There was much grunting, sweating and dust. I was nervous about the results, but I believe that it may be for the better.

I went swimming the other day. It was delightful.

Now, on to the business of things. It seems I need to pull up my socks.
I need to stop the emotionally self destructive behavior (this involves avoiding myspace almost entirely.)

I need to forget about my past. (This one is only important if I actually desensitize myself from those people I knew.)

I need to write more, for fun. Not really for my blog or for school or for the newspaper. Though I need to do all of those things too. But I need to start writing for me, about things other than my life.

I need to put more effort into school. Paying $600+ per class is only justifiable if I am actually going to attend and participate in these classes.

I need to read more fiction.

I need to do my French homework.

I need to draw way more. I have to finish one sketch book before I purchase another. I should finish all books before I buy new ones.

I need to talk to my real friends more. I need to make more friends even if they aren't the type to have exitensial crisis with me. I need to forget about the friends who don't think about me anymore.

I need to devlope a professional put together image, which involves keeping all committments, being punctual and carrying either a pen or a lighter at all times. (I don't know about that last bit.)

I need to tell people I love them more.

I need to call my family.

Stop watching tv, the kind with commercials.

Regular food, fresh air and exercise. I need to get out of bed even if I don't have to go to school.

Let's see how good I can be.


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