October 16, 2006

rain on the east coast the simply the best.

The remainder of my day was not so bad. I had that terrible feeling of trapped energy and I headache and bleary eyes, but it was sunny outside and I had a few good conversations, and I missed dinner, which was for the best. Missing dinner is always for the best. My floormates were scared to disturb me for fear that I'd just burst into tears again. I am getting used to the hunger though.

I have learned that in order to do homework one must leave ones computer at the dorm and travel to a quiet coffee shop and just do it. It helps with a friend nearby.

This evening I read Weetzie Bat while curled up in my fabulous fleecy and eating care bear fruit snacks.

Things are looking up. Tomorrow will be good and productive and begin with a shower and proper breakfast.

Amy Millan is perfect fall orange sleepy Sunday music.

[Amy Millan - Baby I]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

food is important. dont miss meals. hunger is not something you should get used to, you do not live in the third world.
Im glad things are looking up!
I think it's the full moon that swung everything out of wack. I had a Uppity-Downitty week too, for no reason either. sometimes it's rough trying to roll with the punches when you dont even see why or where they are coming from. I guess it comes with the human territory.
love ya!

5:16 p.m.  

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