September 17, 2006

"They're all different... snowflakes... think of that."

Whoever it is you fall in love with for the first time, not just love but be in love with, is the one who will always make you angry, the one you can't be
logical about. It may be that you are settled in another place, it may be that
you are happy, but the one who took your heart wields final power.

-The Passion, Jeanette Winterson

I have been reading this book for about a week. This is my fourth attempt at completing it. At first, I didn't really get the point, it just seemed like a nice story. After the first part, The Emperor, you get the story of Villanelle who is magical and beautiful, and the words described to write her world are part of some of the most proficiently constructed sentences ever.

"They say that every snowflake is different. If that were true, how could the world go on? How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover from the wonder of it."

"This living bridge is tempting to all and you may lose your soul or find it here.
And our own souls?
They are Siamese."

"I used to think that darkness and death were probably the same. That death was the absence of light. That death was nothing more than the shadow-lands where people bought and sold and loved as usual but with less conviction...But darkness and death are not the same. The one is temporary, the other is not."

I could go on, but I'd rather be reading the book.

I am also momentarily obsessed with grammar and punctuation, and the usages of both these things. I am afraid to begin writing with the chance that my computer might have a melt down. I am reading a lot in the absence of any artistic outlet.

I really want to make a friend. Just one friend. That's all I need. I need to stop with obsession. I need to start being more proactive. I need to do my homework and read even more, but less of the fun stuff and more of the mandatory stuff.

I do not want to be a sociologist. It is 9:30PM on Sunday September 17th. I have my second ever sociology class tomorrow, maybe I will like it more after that.

I need to go grocery shopping, do laundry and maybe take a trip to lower Sackville to buy sweaters. Which means a bus adventure.
Wish me luck.

[Music: Memphis - Swallows & Amazons]


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