Tuesdays and Thursdays are hard, for similar but different reasons. I go to school for 12 hours on Tuesday, which is remarkably easy compared to 8 hours of work. I do have two 1.5 hour breaks in the later afternoon which makes things easier and I get a lot of homework done during that time. However, eating is difficult. Thursday I go to class from 10-4ish, which is much less time, but I have no more than 10 minutes between classes. Eating is virtually impossible. Also, on this day I need all of my books, lame.
It's all good though, cause it's beautiful here, and I am so happy in my new home. I can't believe how much I've changed since January. Remember when I used to cry over everything? Yesterday I had coffee with a stranger [who is no longer a stranger and I will promptly attempt to be her best friend because she is quite an amazing, talented and super awesome person.] and I wasn't even remotely nervous.
Which causes me to ask the question, what is it about being on anti-depressants that makes me such a functional human being? If I can be functional on drugs, wouldn't logic suggest that I have the ability to be functional off them?
Which leads to further points as to my happiness in a foreign city; was it simply my history that was making me sad? Have I really been able to leave the crazy mother, heartbreaking exgirlfriends and a childhood of abuse at school and move on, simply by moving across the country? Or does it have more to it?
I am going to attempt to join the knitting society this evening.
Lady, you are so rad it's painful.
Chin up.
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