July 04, 2006

this is birth, and this is death, all in the same day

At work I moved a heck of a lot of dirt out of the store, cleaned up air conditioner puddles and mopped three times. It wasn't till the last lap with the mop that the bucket of water didn't look like it was 80% mud.

Andrea and I read out loud out of her boyfriends old English Anthology book, and then analyzed the writing. It was so incredibly fun. She was really into it too, but also really into Margaret Atwood, and I need a good cushion of time to think about Margaret Atwood, it's so harsh. That's not a bad quality, it's just that I need to process violence slower than I process easy things. It was a great deal of fun though.

My lip is completely unswolen, which is fantastic. However, now the barbell in it is too long and I keep catching it on my bottom teeth and therefore it hurts a bit. However. It's fantastic and I love it.

I need some cereal. I'm seriously lackin in cereal.

Also, because I am a loser who doesn't know my AM's from my PM's I don't actually get to register for classes until tomorrow at 9AM. Hurrah. At least I will mostly be home and will only miss a little bit of French. However, after waking at 7 today to prepare for work and clean before going off to work, I'm not too eager to stay up all night, and I think I might crash now.

I am going to try to keep track of everything I read as of now.

I'm a collector of nostalgia.

[Music: Stars - Celebration Guns]


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