June 29, 2006

1000.03 for the avid listener...

I think I have the sleeping sickness. My sleeping sickness involves me literally passing out while trying to do things like watch Pulp Fiction, organize classes and read 50's lesbain smut. Seriously, one minute I'll be enjoying Uma Thrumans twist and the next John Travolta is blowing the face off of someone. Seriously it's trippy.

The class organizing isn't going particularly good or particularly bad. The only classes I am excited about are the english ones. I have the luck of being intrigued by the classes that are offered for both semesters. Bah. I get nervous of things like that. Would I be insane to have four of my five classes one right after another on Tuesday's and Thursdays? I think that would leave me with a lot of free time... or terrible wednesdays. Either way, it could be good I suppose, or bad.

Meanwhile. Yeah, just mostly working and sleeping and frenching... of the liguistical kind. I kind of suck with the oral business lately, because I am too lazy to put ice on my lip and oh mental note, before you do something that requires your mouth to be cold, make sure that your teeth are not particularly sensitive to cold! Jeez... anyway, still P.A. lipped.

I'm still listening to Bjork, but I feel I must plug the radio show Night Cap on CKUA. You can listen to it online if you're up late. www.ckua.com. Luka, the host, might actually be my hero.

I have no internal routine and very little external routine and I think it's really messing me up.

I belive that is all.


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