May 22, 2006

Let's Amaze the World.

In my absense I have become a collector. I don't know what it is about change, about feeling like a pin ball, about trying to overcome catastrophically bad events that makes me this way, but I have become an obsessive.

This month has been bad, but I'm on drugs and they seem to be doing what I'm paying them to do. Things feel okay.

I keep thinking that maybe this month isn't so bad. Maybe I just feel okay because everything is okay.


But I keep collecting. Music, books, movies, art supplies, web pages, online comics, bookmarks [both the online and the paper kind]and plans in my day timer.

I come home from work almost every day with some new toy that I have no use for and really souldn't have purchased, but I need it none the less.

Maybe I'm nesting.

I've also not produced anything of any great merit in a long time. I was rereading the zine I made as an extracredit english project in grade 11, and it's pretty cool. I want to make something cool like that.

So, there's lot to look forward to, A summer train adventure, future craft parties, hanging out at work with awesome people reading. Discovering a new band everyday. [and so far it's working.]

I'm going to try to get all of this uploaded onto a new livejournal, and then maybe carry on with the lj community as well.

Alright, who wants a mix tape?

I've become horrible disconnected in my though, which might be the root of my creation issues.

I'm going to fix the blog up too, poor thing,horribly outdated.

I have got to go home.


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