January 05, 2006


I would like to state for the record that I did not watch televison until the age of eight. I don't remember if I had a tv or not, I must have, at some point, because I remember watching Sesemie Street with Jonah, and I remember Mr. Dress-up, but for the most part, I read books. I've always been quite lost when people at parties get together and reminisce about childhood programming. I remember clips from being at other houses, but could someone please explain the poke a dot door business. What is a pokearoo? Nevermind, I don't think I want to know.

On another tv related note. If the only channel I had for the remainder of my life was the CBC, and it continued to produce the quality that it currently is, I'd be totally fine with it. The week thus far has been stellar! Last night was the ever so wonderful Rabbittown pilot [go watch it!] and this evening has been This Is Wonderland which is the only show on TV that I truly get excited about, and afterwards was This Space For Rent pilot[watch it!]This is comedy I understand. This is the insanity that makes my life seem normal! This is what I want to spend my time watching. This is what I can see and immediatly understand. It's perfectly Canadian and I am so in love with the CBC.

[Not to mention the fabulousness of Mr. George Strombolopolis and his show The Hour.]


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