January 16, 2006


I spent a good hour tonight reading and looking at Normal Life while I was waiting to read Questionable Content.

So, big things happening in my life lately. Well, relatively speaking. On Fiday I worked my first ever shift at the south store. [This store is managed by the same manager as my store, and a lot of the staff bounce back and forth with the exception of Jenn who only works at the north store and Evelyn who only works at the south store. However, since I live so close to the north store I end up working there more.] So, for the first time I met Evelyn. I've worked at the store for seven months and I've talked to her at least once a day, every day I've worked there, but I'd never met her. Boy it was weird. She's quite awesome, and equally into the not needing to talk every second thing. Tyler said that we'd probably be like two peas in a pod, and with the exception of the fact that I'll probably only be working with her twice a month, we probably would be.

I am also terrifically fond of the south store. It's everythig I've always wanted the north store to be, clean, bright, open, everything in a place that it should be.

Tomorrow I have to get up so that I can talk to my high school guidance counsellor and probably hear things that I do not want to hear. I hope this will be the last time I need to talk to a high school guidance counsellor.

I met a new person today. Via Rene. Over MSN. [yes, i'm not terribly happy about the internet bit etiher.] I'm excited about the idea of a new person being around. Things get kinda lame when hanging out consists of me and my Ipod.

Tomorrow I have a couple of hours of nothing between the guidance and the working, so I think I might try to get into a Separate Peace in a nice quiet coffee shop in Kensington. if you want to find me, I'll probably be in Higher Ground.

As a side note, I need to dye my hair again soon, plus I need to cut it. Has anyone used Henna before? Or a similar product that won't distroy anything in the dying process?


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