January 17, 2006

The name of the game...

Get the cat all nipped up and tease her with a string. This is the funniest thing. I get such a kick out of my cat. She can turn the light switch off and on in the kitchen, and she jumps up at the magnets on the fridge. In other news, we've officially adopted her, and in doing so we've discovered that she's a taurus... Oh boy, you should have seen me laughing at that. (No one talks seriously when my cat is around, it's alllll baby talk.)

Yesterday was terrific. I went to my guidance meeting, which involved the counsellor saying that I was applying to schools that were perfect for me. Then I went looking for the Brokeback Mountain house... but I only might have found it. Then I went to visit Annette in Kensington Art Supply, our rivals and sort of friend. We had a great chat bashing Col-Art a distribution company. Then I went and bought a duplicate of my favorite shirt. Then, I met a girl for coffee upon Rene's insitance that I need a social life, [I'm trying to not be insulted by this] and it was really great! I wasn't neurotic at all. I didn't really want to go to work though. Then work totally sucked.

The end. Hopefully today will be exciting too.


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