January 25, 2006

Dear Invisible Friend:

Today was a weird day. It started normally enough, Rene called finally to see if I wanted to go ice skating, sadly, when we arrived at the pond there was water instead of ice because it was plus ten, Celsius! Then we returned to my house where he proceeded to molest and quiz me in a tag team of uncomfortable Reneness. I walked to the mall before work, and ran into Brenna half way, which was bizarre cause I was kind of lost, and on the wrong street when all of a sudden someone's shouting at me. She told me that HMV didn't have cat power, so we walked to work, 45 minutes early, and I passed the hour curled up on the floor of the office reading A Separate Peace. Work, was work. Which means I did nothing. I went to starbucks and tried to teach Nico how to write an essay. I'm not sure yet if she's a lost cause, or if she's really sincere, in any case, I'm trying. Then, I arrived home, played with boo for a while, sprawled on the floor and listened to Cold Wind by the Arcade Fire on our new turntable. At which point I was chaperoned while watching Sin City [amazing and woah movie] by a girl that I quite like, but I think I'll refrain from mentioning much.

Now, I'm checking on my invisible friends, and going to sleep.


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