October 24, 2005

So I've been freaking out a bit lately, bordering on complete total hysterics. I hate it, but I know why. I hate being emotional, I hate getting attached to people and places. I hate that the place that I live has never really been "home." Regardless, I'm heading there tomorrow, after two months away. I realized the other day that nothing is ever going to be the same ever again. I left my life behind as a high school student, part time job, feeding family. All of my friends have taken off, the comfortable escape of the drama kids doesn't exist anymore.

So what did I do? I e-mailed someone who is typically quite logical when it comes to my hysteria. Of course, like always she said the one sentence that I needed to hear. "You can create the life you want..." So, if I want to go home, work my ass off until I can move away, well by god that is what I'm going to do.

On a semi unrelated note, I LOVE HALIFAX. I am having an absolutely fabulous time here. Obviously I don't want to leave, and if I didn't have a plane ticket home and a metric concert to attend, I would probably be looking for a job right now.

Highlights include a peanut butter hamburger, ice cream and Gilmore girls, cramming driving, and last night, all of it. [All of it involves amazing Thai food, and a play at the Neptune theatre that was very "Lovely Bones" I'm sure there will be a review as soon as I land on my feet.]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home is where the people you love are...home is always in your heart!

12:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


the place I grew up was never home to me either : you find your home when you create it and cater to your own needs.

cuz'n emily =-)

12:15 a.m.  

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