October 30, 2005

I have been back for a couple of days now. On thursday I had the "I shouldn't have come home, I should be looking for a job and an apartment" moment. I spent a good portion of that day alternating between crying and fighting with my mother. That evening I went out to visit Rene. I wish I could say that it made me feel better, I know he tried and I appreciate it. I just don't fit into the same old roles I had when I left. I couldn't relate to most of what Rene was talking about. I spent most of the time thinking to myself, how did I give him the impression that I am that girl?

Anyway. It's becoming painfully obvious that I need both a job and a cat. I'm perfectly happy hanging out on my own, but my family and I seem to be at odd as to how to get along.

It feels really good though, to fly back into a place that you've lived your entire life and not thing "It's good to be home." or "I missed being here." It's good to feel, for me, that there will be no love lost when I leave this place.

I've also come to the dramatic conclusion that I will get an education anywhere, I will get a job from that education so, why not enjoy the experience in some place thay I enjoy? So in short, I'm not taking advice from people anymore, except, if you have creative ideas for what I can do with an English degree, let me know.


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