August 04, 2005

Music: CKUA Night Music

It just occured to me, as I was glancing at my exam results slip that, oh look, 050/050 on the WR. Gee, does that mean I got 100% on the written? Yes, yes it does. This makes me want to hunt down every terrible teacher I ever had and say "look at what I did in spite of you."

it also makes me want to take pure math, and physics. I'm just figuring out exactly how powerful my brain is. I want to learn everything.

I get until December before I have to focus on my future. I am realizing though, that I can do whatever I want with my life. If I don't have a course now that I need to do what i want, I can take it, it's no big deal. This is my whole life I'm facing, and I'm not going to limit myself. Never.


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