June 20, 2005

So apparently I don't sleep anymore....

The Grad Dinner May 28th 2005

This is the customary
pre-grad photo.

Brenna and I.

Prettiest, bestest friend ever.

Table Mates.

Us again.

My purse and corsage. The purse is Mubby's and corsage

was a gift from my mother's florist friend.

Hardcore decorations. I thought it was really pretty...

but I am a sucker for stars.

This was my dairy-free dinner. The black stuff is rice, everything else

is pretty self-explanatory.

This was my dairy-free dessert, if anyone can tell me

what that yellow thing is I'd be so happy.

Taken by Brenna. Pretty corsage and awesome dress.

Miss Emily, post corsage delivery.

Marina and Cody.

Dancing, Note Elissa, keep for further reference.

Marina and Elizabeth.

"Can I take your picture?" "Can we act sad?"

Have I mentioned that Marina is one

of my favorite people?

I know he'll love this...

Sam and Emily and Elissa making absolutely lovely

fools of themselves.

By far the weirdest moment of the night. Customary dance

with the Ex.

Em: "Tyler sent me over." Me: This is weird.

I know these people but since you can't tell who they are I'll just say

doesn't it look really pretty?


Tyler is awesome, underwater dancing.

These are my friends.

...and the customary bottle of alcohol on the dance floor.

After everyone left out grad and we were basically glared out of th

building we crashed the Diefenbaker Graduation.

More crashing....

And to end the night. Congatualtions. HeeHee.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

the yellow thing is a chinese cherry. I forget what the latin name for it is, but yeah. they are usually used for decoration as they are kinda tart. but I like them. at the french bakery that I worked at in toronot a few years ago, I discovered them atop such things at lemon tarts, pineapple and grapefruit mouses. quite lovely I do say.

but not quite as lovely as these photos.
thank you for sharing them. you looked beautiful.

7:35 p.m.  

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