April 02, 2005

Alright - Kinnie Starr

Oh man.
It's like three million degrees of niceness outside. The kind of niceness that inspires me to do yard work. I want to be out, in every sense of the word. Today all of my clothes are color coordinated. They all fit together nicely. I'm wearing my Combat Baby t-shirt. Which makes me happy.

Life is good, you know? I feel horribly transitionary though... there are three months of school left and then I'm nothing. There's nothing. Which means there are an infinate number of possibilites avaliable to me. I could be anything in three months.

I was stumbling around the internet at two in the morning the other day and I fell upon the Murmurs. I used to listen to them back in my girl rock, Letters to Cleo days. I've been listening to their song Genius from Blender.

I'm also becoming moderately obsessed with Kinnie Starr.

Anyway, things are good, school is coming up, and I'm nearly caught up/ahead of everything, so that makes me feel good about going back. Plus, I've had a fairly uneventful spring break consisting of staying up till three cleaning, and working and sleeping in till noon and then laying around until I either go to work or get motivated to do something.

Oh man. It's spring. This feels so good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, I'm really sorry I didn't do anything with you, but I was barely home most of the time (don't worry...only a few days were actually good. The rest was utter sh°t).
I still have to give you two records...but I'm not completely sure you will like them, but they are old Irish or Scottish records. But since you are pretty open to music I'm sure you might like them...or find something artsy to do with them.

2:41 a.m.  

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