March 07, 2005

Flowers & Things - The Fates

Things have been interesting lately. I was kind of stuck in book land for a while. Now i'm out of it and my whole family is sick, excpt me. We haven't had good internet at home in a long time. Its been sketchy. I have not directly spoken to my brother in 5 days.

There's this camp in Ottawa that I REALLY want to go work at for a week at the end of August. I'm not sure it's going to work out, and I've probably already got my hopes up too much. I just want to be a part of it so much, it's one of those things that's really important to me, even though I'm so distanced, physically, from it. I would literally mop floors for a week if they asked me too.

Anyway, I'm plotting my escape for the fall. It should be amusing. That is all.


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