January 03, 2005

Every day I come home and proceed through the same events. Walk in the door, snack, backpack plops down beside the computer type in the address for my blog, click on my live journal friends page, get distracted by friends page, and repeat.

Today my father did not have to work so he and my mother are out walking. I have been left to wait for the Purolator man. My father fixed my laptop, it has been broken since early July when upon my return from fern it exploded with pornographic spam. So that's good news. I've nearly forgotten this morning's panic attack.

A quarter of the way to school this morning I realized that I did not have my social assignment. SO we went home, but I couldn't print it off because my computer was broken. This is where I start hyperventaliating. So we temporarily fixed it, but in the mean time I had got out my social booklet to copy down the things I needed, so I managed to print everything off, ran out the door and made it to school with just enough time to realize that I had the stuff I had printed off but I had left the rest of my social stuff at home.

So obviously the right reaction was to immediately freak out, and spend the rest of the morning dreading the moment when I have to tell my teacher (at this time I will remind you that my teacher is a large 40-something polish man who bellows at the slightest sign of incompetence, he bellows a lot.) exactly why I didn't have my assignment. Luckily it never came to that and he was too busy trying to cover the Vietnam War in 70 minutes. Also, it didn't make it any worse that for the second time in a row I've received the highest mark on the position paper.

I am so run down however, the next month might possibly be the worst I might ever see, I'm now realizing that taking five courses, three of them being intense academic courses, and the other two being time consuming art/writing courses, is not a good idea, in fact it's a very bad idea.

However, I won't even need a backpack next semester, what with the One English class and the Three art classes I'm taking. (I'm stating this mostly for my benefit.)


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