October 18, 2004

My father is flying to Toronto tomorrow at noon. In my deluded little girl world he is going to fix everything that is wrong in the world and when he returns all will be right and all will remain right.

Miracles to happen.

And back to the real world:

I am going to put on some music, make something hot to drink then,
A) Do a whole bunch of social homework because I'd really like to have a spare next semester rather than repeating the course.
B) Do a lot of Math homework because while I don't care, it's much easier if I actually do the homework. Also, having good marks keeps the teachers from noticing you.
C) Possibly, if I feel like it, do some Science homework. I have no respect for my science teacher. He would be a perfect banker or auditor.
D) Read the Chuck Klosterman and Dave Eggers articles in the Franz Ferdinand issue of SPIN.
E) Play my guitar because it makes me calm and right now I am not calm. Plus I figure between the SPIN articles and the guitar playing I'll be able to even out the horror of homework and the fun of not doing homework.

The Ani/Indigo Girls version of Tangled Up in Blue by Bob Dylan is awesome.
Metric is Tomorrow. Tomorrow!


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