August 09, 2004

I have returned from my vacation. It is the last of my summer vacations. It feels kind of good to be home for a while now. Not that it's all that nice to be home, but it's nice to be in one place for an extended period of time.

Being that I will be around for the rest of the summer, and that my eccentric Aunt, yes, you heard me, will also be around for the rest of the summer, I have a lot planned. I vow to have my learners license by Friday... Or Monday at the very latest. Which I suppose mean that I should probably get my act together and read the stupid book again.

Also, I have two rather large projects. One large in organization and the other large in cost.

I'm trying to set up a decent screen printing operation either in my house, garage or my grandmothers basement. I figure if I keep the location a rather vague idea something will work out. My main problem with the location is that A) Screen Printing is a disgusting, stinky and at time poisonous art form and B) It gets very very very cold her for ten months of the year, so outdoors is probably not a good idea, and the garage is probably also not going to work. Other than that there is the problem of lack of available money and the fact that this whole thing will cost quite a bit of money and will probably not be one of those things that ends up paying for itself.

My second project is the organization of a large scale drum circle which will raise money for a charity which is, much like the rest of the project, still undetermined. This is much simpler than the above project and I can probably do it, and if it is a success or not is not the type of thing I can really control all that much.

There are other projects too, such as painting our house (the outside) and finding a new job, or another job, or working more. There are also long term projects such as "the great escape" which involves me not being stuck in the prairies for the next five years, and also involves me becoming unbelievably sure of myself and independent, and it also has me deciding if I'm going immediately to university or not. How exactly does one move across the country?

It all seems daunting and exciting at the same time. I'm detemined to keep myself busy this month and avoid the usual mysterious and catastrophic medical emergency.

Oh, this is big news. I'm switching my soy milk from So Good Original to Tayo Potato Drink. Tayo is much more like real milk and much less like a sugary syrupy mixture.

I've changed a lot recently and I keep changing but I still cry when I get my period and I still forget to buy pads until I really need them and I still wish I were the type of girl who didn't cry and who stayed on top of things like that by buying that sort of thing when they were on sale and not have to walk to the drug store at 8AM.

I don't know where I am with the French, but I love Arlene Bishop, and Jorane, and music in general and I really want to give some people a call. I need to send some mail. And I made two scarves while I was away, I'm working on a pot holder from the pattern on the little wrapper that came with the balls of cotton yarn that I bought for $1 at the Fernie Bargain Bargain Bargain store.

We might be getting a kitten.


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