August 20, 2004

Cruisin' The Cosmos With The Kid

TAURUS(April 20 - May 20)
With the moon in opposition, this weekend won't be a time when you're in tip-top condition. So why doncha take it easy for a few days and chew your cud, bud? You'll find ruminatin' not only illuminatin', it'll invigorate you with strength, to meet any test that's awaitin'.

This is from FFWD Weekly. It explains everything. This morning I just didn't feel right, so I showered and changed into a really comfy skirt and A&B showed up and I read them stories for a while. Then I went to Nordraft the Art Supply Store to look for screen printing supplies, found some, and ALSO, The owner of the store was there and she REALLY wants my resume and so tomorrow I'll take it in and probably buy the screen printing supplies.

So now I feel better.


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