July 30, 2004

I'm sitting in my bedroom, on the floor, monsterous headphones on my ears, talking to myself. You see, I'm about 1/8th of the way through my French Coursebook, and it comes with a CD that tells you how to pronouce things. And that's important 'cause you know, my brothers a stickler for pronouciation.

The thing I find a bit funny, and I had to comment, was that when the book is teaching people to ask for things they start out:
Avez-vous............de l'eau?
Avez-vous............des cigarettes?
Avez-vous............du feu?
They then go onto soap and paper, like the only things you could possibly need when speaking a foreign language is cigarettes and soap. I find this amazing.

The second thing I can't really believe is that they think it's very important to be able to say:
Donne-t-it de l'argent?
Does he give money?

Now, I suppose that's one of those things I'll eventually end up saying if I were to live in a french speaking population for any great ammount of time. But I get the impression that this is a traveling type of book designed for people going to Paris. I don't get it.

All in all I like this book better than the last. I figure I'll just work my way through the library's collection of French CD/Books while I'm riding the bus every morning next fall.


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