April 19, 2004

Last night was Ani in Banff. It was quite the experience. It seems strange now that my parents would take me two hours out of our way for me and only me to go see a concert none of them had any interest in. Man... They're awesome.

I'm in Comm Tech now and I'ml ooking up through the skylights and the sky is such a brilliant blue and the clouds are so puffy and white it's great weather I think. It's pretty anyway.

From the time I woke up yesterday, around 11, till 4:30 I cleaned my room. I don't me like picking up everything that was on the floor, I mean moving all the furniture, and vacuuming. It was crazy. I even washed my windows, which was crazy because my windows had never been washed... That I can remember. It had gotten to the point that I couldn't actually open them. I never finished so I slept on the couch last night. Our couch is the most comfortable couch in the world. Or so we think.

Today is crap. I didn't come for first period, so I slept in, then I forgot everything that I actually needed for today on the computer desk. So I'm trying to decide if I should try to get to school and back over lunch and my spare or if I should just ignore it all and be like everyone else. I'll probably choose the latter because I am a lazy bum today.

So Ani was exceptional. She played all the songs I love. It would have been amazing if she played Firedoor or Gravel or Both Hands, but she played Marrow and Anticipate and Your Next Bold Move and a reallly really REALLY awesome version of Shameless. It made my month, and this concert just beat Jann Arden for the best concert I've been too.


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