February 13, 2004

-I used to make bulited lists all the time, but that was before my super savvy web skills and they didn't really look like bulited lists and more like.... Sentences with dashes in between.

-Evidently, my super savvy web skills have yet to develop. However, I will soon have a professional non-blogger web page on the net. It's for the Djembabes (my mother's all female afro-celt percussion band.) It's all very snazzy. They have a fiddler now. She's only 21, but I like her better than Natalie McMaster. Actually, I think the bit about her only being 21 is a good thing, all of the rest of them are 40-50.

- The point is, soon I will be able to link to a website I designed and I can prove to all of you that I really do have some involvement in a band.

- Tonight Trea and Deb (two of the Djembabes) came over and we fiddled with movie files I took of them at the Celtic Folk Club. Trea talked dirty French and I laughed a lot. She also fixed my drum, so I can play it again without it sounding like I'm pounding on a dead goat. This is very good.

- We are after all not going to Edmonton this weekend. Not a huge surprise. I don't really feel any emotion towards the whole thing anyway.

-Since we are not going to Edmonton I plan to take my learners test tomorrow. I think it's rather pathetic to be 21 before I have a full license. I really, really, don't want to drive though. I love public transit too much.

- Today I discovered a new bus. It's fabulous because it takes me from my back door all the way down to 17th AVE. Previously this trip would involve going through the middle of downtown, taking a minimum of two busses and then walking a ways. Now it's one convenient little bus.

- I discovered today that I have to make more of an effort to hang out with Brenna. I know you guys don't know this, or maybe you do, but she is really really cool. AND, I think she might just be my favorite person ever. So yes, point being, no more sitting at home in front of the computer not really doing anything, more going out places with her.

- We went to 17th AVE today. It's this trendy artsy street near downtown. There are a lot of vintage stores, and artsy stores, and fabulous other stuff stores. I bought a new shirt which I am wearing right now, and a funky pair of ancient ADIDAS. They are marvelous.

-I also bought black shoe laces with stars on them to go into my dyke boots. Trea loves my dyke boots, except I didn't actually say they were "dyke boots." I don't know why I give my footware such horrible names. "Dyke Boots" "Purple Pimp Shoes" etc.

-Tonight after work and after everyone else went to bed I played my poor lonely guitar. I feel bad for the poor thing. Everyone has moved on to bigger, louder and more obnoxious instruments. My father is making us a box drum, and my parents are looking for this absolutely amazing indian cow hide drum for me. Because I adore Robins, and everyone needs more drums.

- I worry that by the time I'm 25 I'll have a complete loss of hearing. I worry that listening to so many songs so loudly through headphones so tightly applied to my ears will destroy my ears. But then I think, all of those hippies, all of those concerts, the days of Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin, and even before that The Beatles, there must have been millions of people who listened to music louder than I do.

- I desperately need new sneakers. Mine are not at the stage where they are completely falling apart at the seams, but are at the stage where all of the padding has turned to dust and there really isn't any support. This means my foot, and knee and hip on one leg are throbbing.

- Because we are not going to Edmonton I intend to do a lot of things over the next few days. First of which is to finish my chemistry homework. Second is to send Jessica's package. Because it was originally a birthday present, and her birthday is in early January... I also plan to write, and possibly set up a blog for regular quality creative writing. Read an unhealthy amount. Possibly catch up a bit on the large pile beside my bed.

-I shelve a uncomfortable amount of romance paperbacks at the library. This worries me. I also shelve a lot of self help type books. I could probably even tell you the call numbers, but why would you want them. Really, why would anyone want them. Self help book ruin intuition.

- This is a very long list.

-I should go to bed. Or start on my list of tasks. I'm almost done my advanced techniques class. I'm doing all but one project at home. Today, this morning I had this huge laminate board on my floor and I was dropping clay from my perch on my desk. It was fun. Then I made a cut out of "Le Chat Noir" Cat and wrapped it around a two litre pop bottle. There will be pictures as soon as it dries enough to stand up. Here's hoping it's structurally able to stand up on it's own.

- I'm excited by the possibilities of the public transit system and Daphne Gottlieb books, and the possibly combination of the two.

-Emily, I tried to call you tonight, because you sounded so miserable this morning and I really truly dialed your number while sitting on my bed and then the horrible operator voice said that the number I dialed was no longer in service. Ummm... why?

- I'm going now. For real.

- Goodnight

- I love you all.


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