January 29, 2004

My morning thus far: Current time 10:24AM.

Yells from underneith the very warm, very cozy, very comfortable sheets, blankets, sleeping bags and duvets.
"I'm not getting fluoride!!!! You have to tell them I'm not getting fluoride! Are you going to tell them????"

Arrives cold, and defiant, and pissed off like a cat at the vets, at the dentist office only to be informed that one could have come in later what with all the other cancellations. Also is informed that my regular dentist, the nice not sadistic one isn't actually coming in till later.

Is taken back to the moving chairs and the buzzing, screeching, sucking scratching tools. The nice not sadistic dental hygenist named Kelly pokes and prods and looks very puzzled.Dental Hygenist: "Your wisdom teeth don't seem to be coming in."
Me: "That's because they have already been removed"
D.H.: Oh really! -long pause- Really! When?
Me: Uhhh... last May.
D.H.: Oh okay.
At which time she resumes the poking a prodding and scratching, etc.

[9.30AM] Sit in funky dentist chair [freezing, because of course, like everywhere else, they seem to be having problems with the heating.] waiting for a real dentist to come look at the teeth. Enter Dr. Kovasic, yes, dentist of little social skill.Dr. K: So how's school?
Me: Fine. I have some time off for exams and stuff.
Dr. K: Which exams did you write?
Me: English and Social.
Dr.K: Oh, how'd that go.
Me: Fine.
Dr K.: Examines x-rays for about five minutes. Pokes my teeth with the sharp pokey thing. Examines the x-rays some more. Dr. K to D.H.: We're going to have to freeze her on both sides, so two separate visits I think.
D.H. to Me: We can't freeze your whole bottom jaw at the same time.
Me: Oh. Whatever.
Dr. K.: After some more pondering: Well good luck with your exams.

Leaves dentist's office after signing the tremendously expensive bill, considering it was all polishing and poking and prodding and examining x-rays, even more angry, confused and defiant than previously.

"I have no intention of making the appointment for the freezing until someone tells me why it's so necessary."


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