January 18, 2004

I was sitting beside a man on the train today. He wasn't directly beside me, he was on the seats beside mine. He carried a large blue insulated lunch bag. The kind that young children carry with great grudges to school. I think his name was John, it said JOHN on his lunch bag. It was written in large sloppy capital letters.
He was telling the pretty girl sitting beside him, and correspondingly beside me, all about Ozzy's concert that was coming in 6 weeks and it would be $6.

The man opposite me rolled his eyes and sighed. He has no faith in the imagination.

JOHN went on to tell the entire train about hockey, and how he was going to move to L.A. because he hates all of the "schoolkids" here. I wanted to tell him that there would be "schoolkids" in L.A. Schoolkids are everywhere. Unfortunately. I didn't, of course, for many reasons, one being that I myself am a "schoolkid" and I didn't particularly wish to attract attention to that fact.

The man across from me answered his cell with all poetic judgment of a businessman.
His name was John as well.

Today it was cold, and I wore my skirt and my chucks and I froze while standing at the station.


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