September 02, 2003

I freaking LOVE my life!!!! Today, I got covert love letters (who are we joking, they were e-mails!) from some mysterious European. A few months ago I got an e-mail from some guy in India asking my to invest his millions in the American stock market, and today I cried when I read that Train 48 is taking a break.

No seriously, that show is bloody brilliant! And all day I was thinking, ok tomorrow I'll go to school and sit through homeroom with the homeroom teacher from hell and then I sit through the assembly while they talk about PRIDE and wonder if they are aware that PRIDE means a whole lot more that school conduct and then I'll go home and watch train 48 and everything will be wonderful!!!!!!!!


Ok, I'm alright now. I laughed at my crazy e-mails, and I realised that I have several episodes on tape, so I'll be fine and well, they will be back, and until then I'm taking the bus home EVERY day.


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