September 17, 2003

As the school administration becomes increasingly more incompetent, the find the need to ask me to comply to their requests? Am I wrong to glare at them? Harsh seething glares?

They have given me a crap schedule. Then I moderately fix it, after much effort. Then I go to crap classes with crap teachers. I do crap work that amounts to nothing at all and when I get used to that CRAP lifestyle they shuffle everything about once again. I'm supposed to just go along mindlessly like a sheep?

I have had about enough. Today I spoke up for myself. I had no choice but to be moved, but I refused to move into the crap arrangement that they had for me. I really did. I told them I wouldn't do it. So they moved me into different classes anyway, but at least I got a say.

I had a breakdown of sorts. A Vinyl type of melt down. I hate that I'm letting them screw up all of the stuff I really liked just so that they can fix their initial mistake.

Man... Theme for the year: I can't wait till I'm out!


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