August 28, 2003

I had originally intended to write about my thoughts on "Bowling for Columbine" but, I don't know what my thoughts are. I just want to stop shaking, and I want to cry for a really long time.

There is a lot of tragedy in our world, but nothing, not even September 11th affected me as much as the Columbine Shooting. At first, I was just stunned. Then I was scared. I was scared because I saw myself in the killers. I saw myself in their shoes, and I was those kids. I was also the victim. I was the killer and I was the victim. That scared me.

I saw their humanity. I saw that no one listened. I saw that no one cared. I saw the same thing over and over as a child. I saw it happen on the television, and it could happen. The only terrorist I fear is neglect. Neglect, and the absence of love.

John Lennon had it right. All we need is love. But it didn't work for him did it? He ended up shot to death on the dark streets of New York. The thing that scares me the most is that I have no control over anything remotely important. I can't love the world, I can't even love the small amount of people I converse with on a daily basis.

As long as there is hurt, and pain, and hardship and money, there is nothing any one person can do.


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