Sled Island :: Friday
Mother Mother is amazing. They appear to be icelandic triplets, born the united states greatest country star, fuled purely by redbull and dressed in delightful thrift store chic. Though their real story I do not know. This is a tight band that is captivating and impressive.
Spoon, was Spoon. I'd forgot that a lot of Spoon songs were in fact, Spoon songs. I simply knew that Spoon was a pretty awesome band when I was a teenager, and that I should jump on the chance to see them live.
*photo credit: Sylvie Au Contraire.
Sled Island :: Saturday
photo: Kar.
Sunday at Sled Island involved a bike ride down to the emedia room, on 11th Ave to see a battle-of-the-bands-esque showdown between young calgary bands. The best and most surprising by far was a large group of highschool students who have seeminly mastered the respective instruments. The Neighbourhood Council sound like they've been heavily influenced by cute sup-pop bands like the postal service and the like.
We were also able to catch The Jagatha Christies. Who were pretty unremarkable. We then decided to go for food rather than listen to the imenient boy driven bands in the future line ups.
From dinner served by a grouchy waitress on a sunny patio we pedaled down to the Hi Fi to catch Dojo Workhorse, who in my excitement I confused with some other completely different band. We were overwhelmed by some more boring boy ballads before we high tailed it to the Warehouse to enjoy the experimental Osaka band The Boredoms.
The Boredoms were a fantastic energy band who had only multiple drummers and a strange instrument of, I believe, their own creation. Unfortunately we were so exhausted from the weeks adventures that we didn't have the mental stamina to enjoy them very much.