the best minds of my generation can't make bail.
Today we went to Lake Louise and it was beautiful, as were all the multi ethnic tourists. The second cousin continues to appear incredibly shy [which only makes me enjoy her quietness more.] and also highly stressed out. I've not see anyone chain smoke with as much effiecency in quite some time.
I took my polaroid and took a photo, at $2 a photo I use it sparingly.
Tonight may hold a viewing of Freaks & Geeks,or possibly just laying around or packing or trying to organize my life.
Yesterday I calculated my total tuition costs for the upcoming year and it's a little under $8000. Which sent me into a total panic before I realized that I am going to this school cause they are paying most of that. Also aparently my father 'found' this other source of money which will actually pay my tuition for me. Which also makes me breathe a little easier.
Speaking of breathing, there is a hell of a lot of smoke around these days. My poor lungs are battling for fresh air. I'm exhausted and falling asleep at odd angles.
[Music: Ani - Garden of Simple]
.... buzzzz....
Brenna left for Vancouver today. I won't be seeing her again until christmas. It's absolutely the most painful thing I've experienced so far. It's weird though. I know that the time will fly by, because it always does, but the anticipation of missing her is much worse than the actual act of missing her. Last night we accompanied Melissa and J.C. to the Global Fest fireworks competition and we ate gelato and wandered and just felt okay yet not quite. This feeling has only been properly explained in the Perks of Being A Wallflower. I cried all night while I was sleeping.
I am quite excited about leaving. I have been inspired by Brenna's packing to start packing myself. I don't want to take a lot of stuff, but I have visions of crafting during my long cold winter days alone while everyone else is in class. However, I'm not sure how likely that is. I'm terrified that I will want to do something that involves some sort of supply that I've left at home.
Also, books. I know I won't read that much that is unrelated to the courses, and if I want to there's a library on every corner, but I have a bunch of books here that I really seriously intend to read that I want to take. Maybe I oculd just leave them here with messges on them saying to mail them out to me at a specific date so that I will A]recieve mail from my parents and B] won't feel overwhelmed by having them all at once. Possibly.
My second [or third] cousin Andrea arrived on our doorstep this afternoon. Much to my suprise. She's trying to move out west but couldn't find a place to live here, so she's going to stay with us until she flies back to New Brunswick. She seems incredibly shy, which doesn't surprise me at all, she's pretty cool though, plus, I love having visitors from the east.
I'm quite excited about becoming a Haligonian. I will miss my friends though. Melissa is my sister now. I've always wanted a big sister.
Okay so, first order of business; I need to spend a lot less time surfing the internet.
Second: I am still feeling ill, I keep coughing up large chunks of lung junk and it's really not fun. Worst part is, I just don't know why.
I have less than two weeks of hanging out with Brenna before she goes to Victoria, and oh man it's crazy. Really really crazy.
So, if you don't hear from me for a while, umm, call me.
i don't really want a lot of detail.
So, I am sick, and sitting here half watching KSPS and Bob Ross is on, and painting one of the most dreadful paintings I've ever seen. You wanna know why he's dead? He's oil painting with his fingers! Please, raise your right hand and repeat after me, "I promise, to never, ever, do anything, that Bob Ross tells you too."
Eeek. Paint thinner on his fingers!
i have been so in love with this town... wait, in, in!
Man, where have I been? I've been on mars. You won't believe how awesome it was there. It was really amazing. My french class ended. J'aime parler francaise. Je suis pas mal, oui? Je suis tres excite pour francaise dans Universitie. Oh boy, it's been a while. I'm already losing it.
Then the folk fest happened, and I guess for that one I might have even gone as far as neptune. I was feeling homesick by sunday. It's hard living out of your home, but never actualy being there. It was an amazing time, and seriously, I know I'm supposed to be an insecure teenager and shit but I am amazing. I did it. I coordinated the lantern crew this year and it rocked, and no one cried [that I know of] and I didn't cry, and everything got done and it was fantastic.
There will be more updates later. I am terribly ill now, and stranded in Fernie, which feels even further than Neptune. I've got a fun rash all over me, and it's itchy, and I am miserable and I am taking so many pills rightnow I can't remember which ones I've taken and which I've not.
I've been watching Freaks & Geeks obsessively, because I am too tired to read and stuff, so I am going to go back to that now.
[Music: Ani - Dialate - Madison Bootleg]